Sprite 1984 - 1993
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/* procExec.c --
* Routines to exec a program. There is no monitor required in this
* file. Access to the proc table is synchronized by locking the PCB
* when modifying the genFlags field.
* Copyright (C) 1985, 1988 Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /sprite/src/kernel/proc/RCS/procExec.c,v 9.29 91/07/26 16:59:33 shirriff Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)";
#endif /* not lint */
#include <sprite.h>
#include <procMach.h>
#include <mach.h>
#include <proc.h>
#include <procInt.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include <fsio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sig.h>
#include <spriteTime.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <vm.h>
#include <sys.h>
#include <procMigrate.h>
#include <procUnixStubs.h>
#include <status.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <byte.h>
#include <rpc.h>
#include <prof.h>
#include <fsutil.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <bstring.h>
#include <vmMach.h>
#include <file.h>
* This will go away when libc is changed.
#define UNIX_CODE 1
typedef struct {
List_Links links;
Address stringPtr;
int stringLen;
} ArgListElement;
extern int debugProcStubs;
* Define the information needed to perform an exec: the user's stack,
* where to put it, and whether to debug on startup. We define a structure
* containing the "meta-info" that isn't actually copied onto the user's
* stack, and then another structure that also includes argc. (By
* separating the header into a separate structure, it's easier to take its
* size.)
* Note that the actual values for argv and envp passed to main() are
* calculated by _start() based on the address of argc and are not actually
* put on the stack given to the exec'ed process. The size of the structure
* to be copied onto the user's stack is the size in the 'size' field
* minus the size of the header.
* The fileName and argString fields are used only when doing a remote exec.
typedef struct {
Address base; /* base of the structure in user space */
int size; /* size of the entire structure */
char *fileName; /* pointer to buffer containing name of file
* to exec */
int fileNameLength; /* length of file name buffer */
char *argString; /* pointer to buffer containing full list of
* arguments, for ps listing */
int argLength; /* length of argString buffer */
} ExecEncapHeader;
typedef struct {
ExecEncapHeader hdr; /* meta-information; see above */
* User stack data starts here.
int argc; /* Number of arguments */
* argv[] goes here
* envp[] goes here
* *argv[] goes here
* *envp[] goes here
} ExecEncapState;
* Define a structure to hold all the information about arguments
* and environment variables (pointer and length). This makes it easier
* to pass a NIL pointer for the whole thing, and to keep them in one
* place. The number of arguments/environment pointers includes the
* null pointer at the end of the array.
typedef struct {
Boolean userMode; /* TRUE if the arguments are in user space */
char **argPtrArray; /* The array of argument pointers. */
int numArgs; /* The number of arguments in the argArray. */
int argLength; /* actual size of argArray */
char **envPtrArray; /* The array of environment pointers. */
int numEnvs; /* The number of arguments in the envArray. */
int envLength; /* actual size of envArray */
} UserArgs;
* Forward declarations.
static ReturnStatus DoExec _ARGS_((char fileName[],
UserArgs *userArgsPtr,
ExecEncapState **encapPtrPtr, Boolean debugMe));
static ReturnStatus SetupInterpret _ARGS_((register char *buffer,
int sizeRead, register Fs_Stream **filePtrPtr,
char **argPtrPtr, int *extraArgsPtr,
ProcObjInfo *objInfoPtr));
static ReturnStatus SetupArgs _ARGS_((UserArgs *userArgsPtr,
char **extraArgArray, Address *argStackPtr,
char **argStringPtr));
static ReturnStatus GrabArgArray _ARGS_((int maxLength, Boolean userProc,
char **extraArgArray, char **argPtrArray,
int *numArgsPtr, List_Links *argList,
int *realLengthPtr, int *paddedLengthPtr));
static Boolean SetupVM _ARGS_((register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
register ProcObjInfo *objInfoPtr,
Fs_Stream *codeFilePtr, Boolean usedFile,
Vm_Segment **codeSegPtrPtr,
register Vm_ExecInfo *execInfoPtr));
static Boolean ZeroHeapEnd _ARGS_ ((Vm_ExecInfo *execInfoPtr));
#ifdef notdef
* Define a type to include the information that is passed from
* the local setup routine to the routine that performs the actual
* exec.
typedef struct {
Proc_AOUT *aoutPtr;
Vm_ExecInfo *execInfoPtr;
Proc_AOUT aout;
Vm_Segment *codeSegPtr = (Vm_Segment *) NIL;
char *argString = (char *) NIL;
Address argBuffer = (Address) NIL;
Fs_Stream *filePtr;
int entry;
Boolean usedFile;
int uid;
int gid;
ExecEncapState *hdrPtr;
* Define entry points for exec. They are distinct due to compatibility
* considerations. We can deal with them better when we convert the
* system calls to be more unix-like.
* Proc_RemoteExec --
* Process the Exec system call on a remote host.
* This does the same setup as Proc_Exec, and then initiates a migration
* with the stack of the new process contained in a buffer reachable
* from the process control block.
* Results:
* SUCCESS indicates that the process has been signalled to cause it
* to migrate before it exits the kernel. Any other status is
* an error that should be returned to the process as usual.
* Side effects:
* Memory is allocated for the buffer containing the exec info.
* This should be freed by the migration encapsulation routine.
Proc_RemoteExec(fileName, argPtrArray, envPtrArray, host)
char *fileName; /* The name of the file to exec. */
char **argPtrArray; /* The array of arguments to the exec'd
* program. */
char **envPtrArray; /* The array of environment variables for
* the exec'd program. */
int host; /* ID of host on which to exec. */
int status;
* XXX need to check permission to migrate.
status = Proc_Exec(fileName, argPtrArray, envPtrArray, FALSE, host);
* XXX on failure, need to clean up.
* Proc_ExecEnv --
* Here for backward compatibility. It does an exec on the
* local host.
* Results:
* This process will not return unless an error occurs in which case it
* returns the error.
* Side effects:
* None.
Proc_ExecEnv(fileName, argPtrArray, envPtrArray, debugMe)
char *fileName; /* The name of the file to exec. */
char **argPtrArray; /* The array of arguments to the exec'd
* program. */
char **envPtrArray; /* The array of environment variables
* of the form NAME=VALUE. */
Boolean debugMe; /* TRUE means that the process is
* to be sent a SIG_DEBUG signal before
* executing its first instruction. */
return(Proc_Exec(fileName, argPtrArray, envPtrArray, debugMe, 0));
* Proc_Exec --
* The ultimate entry point for the Exec system call. This
* handles both local and remote exec's. It calls SetupExec to
* initialize the file pointer, a.out info, user's stack image, etc.
* The a.out information is used if the exec is
* performed on this machine, but for a remote exec, the file
* is reopened in case of different machine types. The stack is
* used locally or copied to the remote host.
* Results:
* For local exec's, this procedure will not return unless an error
* occurs, in which case it returns the error. For remote exec's,
* SUCCESS is returned, and the calling routine arranges for
* the process to hit a migration signal before continuing.
* Side effects:
* The argument & environment arrays are made accessible. Memory
* is allocated for the file name.
* The DoExec routine makes the arrays unaccessible. It frees the
* space for the file name, unless the name is used for a remote
* exec, in which case it is left around until after migration.
Proc_Exec(fileName, argPtrArray, envPtrArray, debugMe, host)
char *fileName; /* The name of the file to exec. */
char **argPtrArray; /* The array of arguments to the exec'd
* program. */
char **envPtrArray; /* The array of environment variables
* of the form NAME=VALUE. */
Boolean debugMe; /* TRUE means that the process is
* to be sent a SIG_DEBUG signal before
* executing its first instruction. */
int host; /* Host to which to do remote exec, or 0
* for local host. */
char **newArgPtrArray;
int newArgPtrArrayLength;
char **newEnvPtrArray;
int newEnvPtrArrayLength;
UserArgs userArgs;
int strLength;
int accessLength;
ReturnStatus status;
char *execFileName;
ExecEncapState *encapPtr;
ExecEncapState **encapPtrPtr;
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr;
* Make the file name accessible.
status = Proc_MakeStringAccessible(FS_MAX_PATH_NAME_LENGTH, &fileName,
&accessLength, &strLength);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
execFileName = malloc(accessLength);
(void) strncpy(execFileName, fileName, accessLength);
Proc_MakeUnaccessible((Address) fileName, accessLength);
* Make the arguments array accessible.
if (argPtrArray != (char **) USER_NIL) {
(PROC_MAX_EXEC_ARGS + 1) * sizeof(Address),
(Address) argPtrArray,
&newArgPtrArrayLength, (Address *) &newArgPtrArray);
if (newArgPtrArrayLength == 0) {
} else {
newArgPtrArray = (char **) NIL;
newArgPtrArrayLength = 0;
* Make the environments array accessible.
if (envPtrArray != (char **) USER_NIL) {
(PROC_MAX_ENVIRON_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(Address),
(Address) envPtrArray,
&newEnvPtrArrayLength, (Address *) &newEnvPtrArray);
if (newEnvPtrArrayLength == 0) {
} else {
newEnvPtrArray = (char **) NIL;
newEnvPtrArrayLength = 0;
* Perform the exec, if local, or setup the user's stack if remote.
userArgs.userMode = TRUE;
userArgs.argPtrArray = newArgPtrArray;
userArgs.numArgs = newArgPtrArrayLength / sizeof(Address);
userArgs.argLength = newArgPtrArrayLength;
userArgs.envPtrArray = newEnvPtrArray;
userArgs.numEnvs = newEnvPtrArrayLength / sizeof(Address);
userArgs.envLength = newEnvPtrArrayLength;
* Check for explicit remote exec onto this host, in which case it's
* a local exec.
if (host == rpc_SpriteID) {
host = 0;
if (host != 0) {
encapPtrPtr = &encapPtr;
} else {
encapPtrPtr = (ExecEncapState **) NIL;
status = DoExec(execFileName, &userArgs, encapPtrPtr, debugMe);
if (status == SUCCESS) {
if (host != 0) {
* Set up the process to migrate.
procPtr = Proc_GetCurrentProc();
status = ProcInitiateMigration(procPtr, host);
if (status == SUCCESS) {
procPtr->remoteExecBuffer = (Address) encapPtr;
Proc_FlagMigration(procPtr, host, TRUE);
} else {
free((Address) encapPtr);
} else {
panic("Proc_Exec: DoExec returned SUCCESS!!!\n");
* Proc_KernExec --
* Do an exec from a kernel process. This will exec the program and
* change the type of process to a user process.
* Results:
* This routine does not return unless an error occurs from DoExec.
* Side effects:
* None.
* Use the old Proc_KernExec until this gets installed as the sole procExec.c.
Proc_KernExec(fileName, argPtrArray)
char *fileName;
char **argPtrArray;
register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr;
ReturnStatus status;
UserArgs userArgs;
procPtr = Proc_GetCurrentProc();
* Set up dummy segments so that DoExec can work properly.
procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE] =
Vm_SegmentNew(VM_CODE, (Fs_Stream *) NIL, 0,
1, 0, procPtr);
if (procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE] == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP] =
Vm_SegmentNew(VM_HEAP, (Fs_Stream *) NIL, 0, 1, 1, procPtr);
if (procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP] == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE], procPtr);
procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_STACK] =
Vm_SegmentNew(VM_STACK, (Fs_Stream *) NIL,
0 , 1, mach_LastUserStackPage, procPtr);
if (procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_STACK] == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE], procPtr);
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP], procPtr);
* Change this process to a user process.
procPtr->genFlags &= ~PROC_KERNEL;
procPtr->genFlags |= PROC_USER;
userArgs.userMode = FALSE;
userArgs.argPtrArray = argPtrArray;
userArgs.numArgs = PROC_MAX_EXEC_ARGS;
userArgs.argLength = PROC_MAX_EXEC_ARGS * sizeof(Address);
userArgs.envPtrArray = (char **) NIL;
userArgs.numEnvs = 0;
userArgs.envLength = 0;
status = DoExec(fileName, &userArgs, (ExecEncapState **) NIL, FALSE);
* If the exec failed, then delete the extra segments and fix up the
* proc table entry to put us back into kernel mode.
procPtr->genFlags &= ~PROC_USER;
procPtr->genFlags |= PROC_KERNEL;
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE], procPtr);
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP], procPtr);
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_STACK], procPtr);
* SetupArgs --
* Chase through arrays of character strings (usually in user space)
* and copy them into a contiguous array. This array is later copied
* onto the stack of the exec'd program, and it may be used to
* pass the arguments to another host for a remote exec. It
* contains argc, argv, envp, and the strings referenced by argv and
* envp. All values in argv and envp are relative to the presumed
* start of the data in user space, which is normally set up to end at
* mach_MaxUserStackAddr. If
* the exec is performed on a different machine, the pointers in argv and
* envp must be adjusted by the relative values of mach_MaxUserStackAddr.
* The format of the structure is defined by ExecEncapState above.
* Results:
* A ReturnStatus is returned. Any non-SUCCESS result indicates a failure
* that should be returned to the user.
* In addition, a pointer to the encapsulated stack is returned,
* as well as its size.
* Side effects:
* Memory is allocated for the argument stack.
static ReturnStatus
SetupArgs(userArgsPtr, extraArgArray, argStackPtr, argStringPtr)
UserArgs *userArgsPtr; /* Information for taking args
* and environment. */
char **extraArgArray; /* Any arguments that should be
* inserted prior to argv[1] */
Address *argStackPtr; /* Pointer to contain address of encapsulated
* stack. */
char **argStringPtr; /* Pointer to allocated buffer for argument
* list as a single string (for ps) */
int numArgs; /* The number of arguments in the argArray. */
int numEnvs; /* The number of arguments in the envArray. */
register ArgListElement *argListPtr;
register int argNumber;
char **newArgPtrArray;
char **newEnvPtrArray;
List_Links argList;
List_Links envList;
char *argBuffer;
char *envBuffer;
register char *argString;
int argStringLength;
ReturnStatus status;
int usp;
int paddedArgLength;
int paddedEnvLength;
int bufSize;
Address buffer;
int stackSize;
ExecEncapHeader *hdrPtr;
ExecEncapState *encapPtr;
* Initialize variables so when if we abort we know what to clean up.
*argStringPtr = (char *) NIL;
* Copy in the arguments. argStringLength is an upper bound on
* the total length permitted.
numArgs = userArgsPtr->numArgs;
status = GrabArgArray(PROC_MAX_EXEC_ARG_LENGTH + 1,
userArgsPtr->userMode, extraArgArray,
userArgsPtr->argPtrArray, &numArgs,
&argList, &argStringLength,
if (status != SUCCESS) {
goto execError;
* Copy in the environment.
numEnvs = userArgsPtr->numEnvs;
status = GrabArgArray(PROC_MAX_ENVIRON_LENGTH + 1,
userArgsPtr->userMode, (char **) NIL,
userArgsPtr->envPtrArray, &numEnvs,
&envList, (int *) NIL,
if (status != SUCCESS) {
goto execError;
* Now copy all of the arguments and environment variables into a buffer.
* Allocate the buffer and initialize pointers into it.
* The stack ends up in the following state: the top word is argc.
* Right below this is the array of pointers to arguments (argv). Right
* below this is the array of pointers to environment stuff (envp). So,
* to figure out the address of argv, one simply adds a word to the address
* of the top of the stack. To figure out the address of envp, one
* looks at argc and skips over the appropriate amount of space to jump
* over argc and argv = (1 + (argc + 1)) * 4 bytes. The extra "1" is for
* the null argument at the end of argv. Below all that stuff on the
* stack come the environment and argument strings themselves.
bufSize = sizeof(ExecEncapState) + (numArgs + numEnvs + 2) * sizeof(Address)
+ paddedArgLength + paddedEnvLength;
buffer = malloc(bufSize);
*argStackPtr = buffer;
encapPtr = (ExecEncapState *) buffer;
hdrPtr = &encapPtr->hdr;
hdrPtr->size = bufSize;
stackSize = Byte_AlignAddr((bufSize - sizeof(ExecEncapHeader)));
hdrPtr->base = mach_MaxUserStackAddr - stackSize;
encapPtr->argc = numArgs;
newArgPtrArray = (char **) (buffer + sizeof(ExecEncapState));
newEnvPtrArray = (char **) ((int) newArgPtrArray +
(numArgs + 1) * sizeof(Address));
argBuffer = (Address) ((int) newEnvPtrArray +
(numEnvs + 1) * sizeof(Address));
envBuffer = (argBuffer + paddedArgLength);
argNumber = 0;
usp = (int)hdrPtr->base + (int) argBuffer - (int) &encapPtr->argc;
argString = malloc(argStringLength + 1);
*argStringPtr = argString;
while (!List_IsEmpty(&argList)) {
argListPtr = (ArgListElement *) List_First(&argList);
* Copy the argument.
bcopy((Address) argListPtr->stringPtr, (Address) argBuffer,
newArgPtrArray[argNumber] = (char *) usp;
argBuffer += Byte_AlignAddr(argListPtr->stringLen);
usp += Byte_AlignAddr(argListPtr->stringLen);
bcopy((Address) argListPtr->stringPtr, argString,
argListPtr->stringLen - 1);
argString[argListPtr->stringLen - 1] = ' ';
argString += argListPtr->stringLen;
* Clean up
List_Remove((List_Links *) argListPtr);
free((Address) argListPtr->stringPtr);
free((Address) argListPtr);
argString[0] = '\0';
newArgPtrArray[argNumber] = (char *) USER_NIL;
argNumber = 0;
while (!List_IsEmpty(&envList)) {
argListPtr = (ArgListElement *) List_First(&envList);
* Copy the environment variable.
bcopy((Address) argListPtr->stringPtr, (Address) envBuffer,
newEnvPtrArray[argNumber] = (char *) usp;
envBuffer += Byte_AlignAddr(argListPtr->stringLen);
usp += Byte_AlignAddr(argListPtr->stringLen);
* Clean up
List_Remove((List_Links *) argListPtr);
free((Address) argListPtr->stringPtr);
free((Address) argListPtr);
newEnvPtrArray[argNumber] = (char *) USER_NIL;
* We're done here. Leave it to the caller to free the copy of the
* stack after copying it to user space.
* The exec failed while copying in the arguments. Free any
* arguments or environment variables that were copied in.
while (!List_IsEmpty(&argList)) {
argListPtr = (ArgListElement *) List_First(&argList);
List_Remove((List_Links *) argListPtr);
free((Address) argListPtr->stringPtr);
free((Address) argListPtr);
while (!List_IsEmpty(&envList)) {
argListPtr = (ArgListElement *) List_First(&envList);
List_Remove((List_Links *) argListPtr);
free((Address) argListPtr->stringPtr);
free((Address) argListPtr);
* GrabArgArray --
* Copy a an array of strings from user space and put it in a
* linked list of strings. The terminology for "args" refers
* to argv, but the same routine is used for environment variables
* as well.
* Results:
* A ReturnStatus indicates any sort of error, indicating immediate
* failure that should be reported to the user. Otherwise, the
* arguments and their lengths are returned in the linked list
* referred to by argListPtr, and the total length is returned
* in *totalLengthPtr.
* Side effects:
* Memory is allocated to hold the strings and the structures
* pointing to them.
static ReturnStatus
GrabArgArray(maxLength, userProc, extraArgArray, argPtrArray, numArgsPtr,
argList, realLengthPtr, paddedLengthPtr)
int maxLength; /* The maximum length of one argument */
Boolean userProc; /* Set if the calling process is a user
* process. */
char **extraArgArray; /* Any arguments that should be
* inserted prior to argv[1] */
char **argPtrArray; /* The array of argument pointers. */
int *numArgsPtr; /* Pointer to the number of arguments in the
* argArray. This is updated with the
* actual number of arguments. */
List_Links *argList; /* Pointer to header of list containing
* copied data. Assumed to be initialized by
* caller. */
int *realLengthPtr; /* Pointer to contain combined size, without
* padding. Value passed in contains
* maximum. */
int *paddedLengthPtr; /* Pointer to contain combined size, including
* padding. */
int totalLength = 0;
int paddedTotalLength = 0;
int extraArgs;
Boolean accessible;
register ArgListElement *argListPtr;
register char **argPtr;
register int argNumber;
ReturnStatus status;
char *stringPtr;
int stringLength;
int realLength;
if (extraArgArray != (char **) NIL) {
for (extraArgs = 0; extraArgArray[extraArgs] != (char *)NIL;
extraArgs++) {
} else {
extraArgs = 0;
for (argNumber = 0, argPtr = argPtrArray;
argNumber < *numArgsPtr;
argNumber++) {
accessible = FALSE;
if ((argNumber > 0 || argPtrArray == (char **) NIL) && extraArgs > 0) {
stringPtr = extraArgArray[0];
realLength = strlen(stringPtr) + 1;
} else {
if (!userProc) {
if (*argPtr == (char *) NIL) {
stringPtr = *argPtr;
stringLength = maxLength;
} else {
if (*argPtr == (char *) USER_NIL) {
maxLength + 1,
(Address) *argPtr,
(Address *) &stringPtr);
if (stringLength == 0) {
goto execError;
accessible = TRUE;
* Find out the length of the argument. Because of accessibility
* limitations the whole string may not be available.
register char *charPtr;
for (charPtr = stringPtr, realLength = 0;
(realLength < stringLength) && (*charPtr != '\0');
charPtr++, realLength++) {
* Move to the next argument.
* Put this string onto the argument list.
argListPtr = (ArgListElement *)
argListPtr->stringPtr = malloc(realLength);
argListPtr->stringLen = realLength;
List_InitElement((List_Links *) argListPtr);
List_Insert((List_Links *) argListPtr, LIST_ATREAR(argList));
* Calculate the room on the stack needed for this string.
* Make it double-word aligned to make access efficient on
* all machines. Increment the amount needed to save the argument
* list (the same total length, but without the padding).
paddedTotalLength += Byte_AlignAddr(realLength);
totalLength += realLength;
* Copy over the argument and ensure null termination.
bcopy((Address) stringPtr, (Address) argListPtr->stringPtr, realLength);
argListPtr->stringPtr[realLength-1] = '\0';
* Clean up
if (accessible) {
Vm_MakeUnaccessible((Address) stringPtr, stringLength);
if (realLength > maxLength+1) {
status = GEN_E2BIG;
goto execError;
if (realLengthPtr != (int *) NIL) {
if (totalLength > *realLengthPtr) {
* Would really like to flag "argument too long" here.
* Also, should we check after every argument?
goto execError;
*realLengthPtr = totalLength;
if (paddedLengthPtr != (int *) NIL) {
*paddedLengthPtr = paddedTotalLength;
*numArgsPtr = argNumber;
* We hit an error while copying in the arguments. Free any
* arguments that were copied in.
while (!List_IsEmpty(argList)) {
argListPtr = (ArgListElement *) List_First(argList);
List_Remove((List_Links *) argListPtr);
free((Address) argListPtr->stringPtr);
free((Address) argListPtr);
* DoExec --
* Exec a new program. If the exec is to be done on this host, the
* current process image is overlayed by the
* newly exec'd program. If not, then set up the image of the
* user stack and set *encapPtrPtr to point to it.
* Results:
* In the local case, this routine does not return unless an
* error occurs in which case the
* error code is returned. In the remote case, SUCCESS indicates
* the remote exec may continue.
* Side effects:
* The state of the calling process is modified for the new image and
* the argPtrArray and envPtrArray are made unaccessible if this
* is a user process.
static ReturnStatus
DoExec(fileName, userArgsPtr, encapPtrPtr, debugMe)
char fileName[]; /* The name of the file that is to be exec'd */
UserArgs *userArgsPtr; /* Information for taking args
* and environment, or NIL. */
**encapPtrPtr; /* User stack state, either for us to use,
* for us to set, or NIL */
Boolean debugMe; /* TRUE means that the process is to be
* sent a SIG_DEBUG signal before
* executing its first instruction. */
register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr;
Vm_ExecInfo *execInfoPtr;
Vm_ExecInfo execInfo;
Vm_Segment *codeSegPtr = (Vm_Segment *) NIL;
char *argString = (char *) NIL;
char *argStringSave;
Address argBuffer = (Address) NIL;
Fs_Stream *filePtr;
ReturnStatus status;
int extraArgs = 0;
char *shellArgPtr;
char *extraArgsArray[2];
char **extraArgsPtrPtr;
int argBytes;
Address userStackPointer;
Boolean usedFile;
int uid = -1;
int gid = -1;
ExecEncapState *encapPtr;
int importing = 0;
int exporting = 0;
ProcObjInfo objInfo;
#ifdef notdef
* Use the encapsulation buffer and arguments arrays to determine
* whether everything is local, or we're starting a remote exec,
* or finishing one from another host.
if (encapPtrPtr != (ExecEncapState **) NIL) {
if (userArgsPtr != (UserArgs *) NIL) {
exporting = TRUE;
} else {
importing = TRUE;
procPtr = Proc_GetActualProc();
* objInfo.unixCompat is set if the header of the file indicates
* it is a Unix binary.
objInfo.unixCompat = 0;
procPtr->unixProgress = PROC_PROGRESS_NOT_UNIX;
/* Turn off profiling */
if (procPtr->Prof_Scale != 0) {
* Save the argString away, because if we hit an error we always
* set procPtr->argString back to this value.
argStringSave = procPtr->argString;
* Open the file that is to be exec'd.
filePtr = (Fs_Stream *) NIL;
status = Fs_Open(fileName, FS_EXECUTE | FS_FOLLOW, FS_FILE, 0, &filePtr);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
filePtr = (Fs_Stream *) NIL;
goto execError;
* Determine if this file has the set uid or set gid bits set.
Fs_CheckSetID(filePtr, &uid, &gid);
* See if this file is already cached by the virtual memory system.
execInfoPtr = (Vm_ExecInfo *)NIL;
codeSegPtr = Vm_FindCode(filePtr, procPtr, &execInfoPtr, &usedFile);
if (codeSegPtr == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
int sizeRead;
* Read the file header.
sizeRead = PROC_MAX_INTERPRET_SIZE > sizeof(ProcExecHeader) ?
status = Fs_Read(filePtr, buffer, 0, &sizeRead);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
goto execError;
if (sizeRead >= 2 && buffer[0] == '#' && buffer[1] == '!') {
Vm_InitCode(filePtr, (Vm_Segment *) NIL, (Vm_ExecInfo *) NIL);
* See if this is an interpreter file.
status = SetupInterpret(buffer, sizeRead, &filePtr,
&shellArgPtr, &extraArgs, &objInfo);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
filePtr = (Fs_Stream *)NIL;
goto execError;
codeSegPtr = Vm_FindCode(filePtr, procPtr, &execInfoPtr, &usedFile);
} else {
if (sizeRead < sizeof(ProcExecHeader) ||
ProcGetObjInfo(filePtr, (ProcExecHeader *)buffer, &objInfo) != SUCCESS) {
if(ProcIsObj(filePtr,1)==SUCCESS) {
status = FS_NO_ACCESS;
} else {
goto execError;
if (!importing) {
* Set up whatever special arguments we might have due to an
* interpreter file. If the
if (extraArgs > 0) {
int i;
int index;
if (userArgsPtr->argPtrArray == (char **) NIL) {
extraArgsArray[0] = fileName;
index = 1;
} else {
index = 0;
for (i = index; extraArgs > 0; i++, extraArgs--) {
if (extraArgs == 2) {
extraArgsArray[i] = shellArgPtr;
} else {
extraArgsArray[i] = fileName;
extraArgsArray[i] = (char *) NIL;
extraArgsPtrPtr = extraArgsArray;
} else {
extraArgsPtrPtr = (char **) NIL;
* Copy in the argument list and environment into a single contiguous
* buffer.
status = SetupArgs(userArgsPtr, extraArgsPtrPtr,
&argBuffer, &argString);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
goto execError;
* We no longer need access to the old arguments or the environment.
if (userArgsPtr->userMode) {
if (userArgsPtr->argPtrArray != (char **) NIL) {
Vm_MakeUnaccessible((Address) userArgsPtr->argPtrArray,
userArgsPtr->argPtrArray = (char **)NIL;
userArgsPtr->argLength = 0;
if (userArgsPtr->envPtrArray != (char **) NIL) {
Vm_MakeUnaccessible((Address) userArgsPtr->envPtrArray,
userArgsPtr->envPtrArray = (char **)NIL;
userArgsPtr->envLength = 0;
* Close any streams that have been marked close-on-exec.
} else {
* We're "importing" this process. Use the stack copied over from
* its former host.
argBuffer = procPtr->remoteExecBuffer;
procPtr->remoteExecBuffer = (Address) NIL;
encapPtr = (ExecEncapState *) argBuffer;
argString = encapPtr->hdr.argString;
* Change the argument string.
procPtr->argString = argString;
* Do set uid here. This way, the uid will be set before a remote
* exec.
if (uid != -1) {
procPtr->effectiveUserID = uid;
* If we're doing the initial part of a remote exec, time to
* return to our caller. Free up whatever virtual memory resources
* we had set up.
encapPtr = (ExecEncapState *) argBuffer;
if (exporting) {
if (filePtr != (Fs_Stream *) NIL) {
if (codeSegPtr != (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
Vm_SegmentDelete(codeSegPtr, procPtr);
if (!usedFile) {
* If usedFile is TRUE then the file has already been closed
* by Vm_SegmentDelete.
(void) Fs_Close(filePtr);
} else {
* We're not setting up the segment after all, so let vm
* clean up state and wake up anyone waiting for us to
* set up the segment.
Vm_InitCode(filePtr, (Vm_Segment *) NIL, (Vm_ExecInfo *) NIL);
(void) Fs_Close(filePtr);
*encapPtrPtr = encapPtr;
encapPtr->hdr.fileName = fileName;
encapPtr->hdr.argString = argString;
* The file name has been dynamically allocated if it was copied in
* on this host from user space.
if (!importing && userArgsPtr->userMode) {
fileName = (char *) NIL;
* Set up virtual memory for the new image.
if (execInfoPtr == (Vm_ExecInfo *)NIL) {
execInfoPtr = &execInfo;
if (!SetupVM(procPtr, &objInfo, filePtr, usedFile, &codeSegPtr,
execInfoPtr)) {
* Setup VM will make sure that the file is closed and that
* all new segments are freed up.
filePtr = (Fs_Stream *) NIL;
status = VM_NO_SEGMENTS;
goto execError;
* Now copy all of the arguments and environment variables onto the stack.
argBytes = encapPtr->hdr.size - sizeof(ExecEncapHeader);
userStackPointer = encapPtr->hdr.base;
status = Vm_CopyOut(argBytes, (Address) &encapPtr->argc,
if (status != SUCCESS) {
goto execError;
* Free original argString (kept in argStringSave, in case we
* needed it) here, after last chance to goto execError.
if (argStringSave != (char *)NIL) {
* Set-gid only needs to be done on the host running the process.
if (gid != -1) {
ProcAddToGroupList(procPtr, gid);
* Take signal actions for execed process.
if (debugMe) {
* Debugged processes get a SIG_DEBUG at start up.
Sig_SendProc(procPtr, SIG_DEBUG, SIG_NO_CODE, (Address)0);
if (!importing && (procPtr->genFlags & PROC_FOREIGN)) {
ProcRemoteExec(procPtr, uid);
argBuffer = (Address) NIL;
* Move the stack pointer on the sun4.
if (execInfoPtr->flags & UNIX_CODE) {
#ifdef sun4
* Unix on the sun4 has the stack in a different location from
* Sprite.
userStackPointer += 32;
if (debugProcStubs) {
printf("Moving stack pointer for Unix binary.\n");
procPtr->unixProgress = PROC_PROGRESS_UNIX;
* Disable interrupts. Note that we don't use the macro DISABLE_INTR
* because there is an implicit enable interrupts when we return to user
* mode.
Mach_ExecUserProc(procPtr, userStackPointer, (Address) execInfoPtr->entry);
panic("DoExec: Proc_RunUserProc returned.\n");
* The exec failed after or while copying in the arguments. Free any
* virtual memory allocated and free any arguments or environment
* variables that were copied in.
if (filePtr != (Fs_Stream *) NIL) {
if (codeSegPtr != (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
Vm_SegmentDelete(codeSegPtr, procPtr);
if (!usedFile) {
* If usedFile is TRUE then the file has already been closed
* by Vm_SegmentDelete.
(void) Fs_Close(filePtr);
} else {
Vm_InitCode(filePtr, (Vm_Segment *) NIL, (Vm_ExecInfo *) NIL);
(void) Fs_Close(filePtr);
if (userArgsPtr != (UserArgs *) NIL && userArgsPtr->userMode) {
if (userArgsPtr->argPtrArray != (char **) NIL) {
Vm_MakeUnaccessible((Address) userArgsPtr->argPtrArray,
userArgsPtr->argPtrArray = (char **)NIL;
userArgsPtr->argLength = 0;
if (userArgsPtr->envPtrArray != (char **) NIL) {
Vm_MakeUnaccessible((Address) userArgsPtr->envPtrArray,
userArgsPtr->envPtrArray = (char **)NIL;
userArgsPtr->envLength = 0;
if (argBuffer != (Address) NIL) {
if (argString != (Address) NIL) {
* Restore original arg string. If we don't do this, then when
* DoFork() tries to free() the arg string (after this process
* exits, when some other process gets the then-empty process
* slot), free() will panic because the original argString was
* just freed above.
procPtr->argString = argStringSave;
if (!importing && (fileName != (char *) NIL) && userArgsPtr->userMode) {
fileName = (char *) NIL;
* SetupInterpret --
* Read in the interpreter name, arguments and object file header.
* Results:
* Error if for some reason could not parse the interpreter name
* and arguments are could not open the interpreter object file.
* Side effects:
* *filePtrPtr contains pointer to the interpreter object file,
* *argPtrPtr points to interpreter argument string, *extraArgsPtr
* contains number of arguments that have to be prepended to the
* argument vector passed to the interpreter and *aoutPtr contains the
* interpreter files a.out header.
static ReturnStatus
SetupInterpret(buffer, sizeRead, filePtrPtr, argPtrPtr,
extraArgsPtr, objInfoPtr)
register char *buffer; /* Bytes read in from file.*/
int sizeRead; /* Number of bytes in buffer. */
register Fs_Stream **filePtrPtr; /* IN/OUT parameter: Exec'd file as
* input, interpreter file as output. */
char **argPtrPtr; /* Pointer to shell argument string. */
int *extraArgsPtr; /* Number of arguments that have to be
* added for the intepreter. */
ProcObjInfo *objInfoPtr; /* Place to put obj file info. */
register char *strPtr;
char *shellNamePtr;
int i;
ReturnStatus status;
ProcExecHeader execHeader;
(void) Fs_Close(*filePtrPtr);
* Make sure the interpreter name and arguments are terminated by a
* carriage return.
for (i = 2, strPtr = &(buffer[2]);
i < sizeRead && *strPtr != '\n';
i++, strPtr++) {
if (i == sizeRead) {
*strPtr = '\0';
* Get a pointer to the name of the file to exec.
for (strPtr = &(buffer[2]); isspace(*strPtr); strPtr++) {
if (*strPtr == '\0') {
shellNamePtr = strPtr;
while (!isspace(*strPtr) && *strPtr != '\0') {
*extraArgsPtr = 1;
* Get a pointer to the arguments if there are any.
if (*strPtr != '\0') {
*strPtr = '\0';
while (isspace(*strPtr)) {
if (*strPtr != '\0') {
*argPtrPtr = strPtr;
*extraArgsPtr = 2;
* Open the interpreter to exec and read the a.out header.
status = Fs_Open(shellNamePtr, FS_EXECUTE | FS_FOLLOW, FS_FILE, 0,
if (status != SUCCESS) {
sizeRead = sizeof(ProcExecHeader);
status = Fs_Read(*filePtrPtr, (Address)&execHeader, 0, &sizeRead);
if (status == SUCCESS && sizeRead != sizeof(ProcExecHeader)) {
} else {
status = ProcGetObjInfo(*filePtrPtr, &execHeader, objInfoPtr);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
if(ProcIsObj(*filePtrPtr,1)==SUCCESS) {
status = FS_NO_ACCESS;
} else {
(void) Fs_Close(*filePtrPtr);
* SetupVM --
* Setup virtual memory for this process.
* Results:
* TRUE if could set up VM, false otherwise.
* Side effects:
* *filePtrPtr contains pointer to the interpreter object file,
* *argPtrPtr points to interpreter argument string, *extraArgsPtr
* contains number of arguments that have to be prepended to the
* argument vector passed to the interpreter and *aoutPtr contains the
* interpreter files a.out header.
static Boolean
SetupVM(procPtr, objInfoPtr, codeFilePtr, usedFile, codeSegPtrPtr, execInfoPtr)
register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr;
register ProcObjInfo *objInfoPtr;
Fs_Stream *codeFilePtr;
Boolean usedFile;
Vm_Segment **codeSegPtrPtr;
register Vm_ExecInfo *execInfoPtr;
register Vm_Segment *segPtr;
int numPages;
int fileOffset;
int pageOffset;
Boolean notFound;
Vm_Segment *heapSegPtr;
Fs_Stream *heapFilePtr;
Address heapEnd = (Address) NIL;
int realCode = 1;
if (*codeSegPtrPtr == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
if (objInfoPtr->unixCompat) {
execInfoPtr->flags = UNIX_CODE;
} else {
execInfoPtr->flags = 0;
execInfoPtr->entry = (int)objInfoPtr->entry;
if (objInfoPtr->heapSize != 0) {
execInfoPtr->heapPages =
(objInfoPtr->heapSize - 1) / vm_PageSize + 1;
} else {
execInfoPtr->heapPages = 0;
if (objInfoPtr->bssSize != 0) {
execInfoPtr->heapPages +=
(objInfoPtr->bssSize - 1) / vm_PageSize + 1;
execInfoPtr->heapPageOffset =
(unsigned)objInfoPtr->heapLoadAddr / vm_PageSize;
execInfoPtr->heapFileOffset = objInfoPtr->heapFileOffset;
heapEnd = objInfoPtr->heapLoadAddr + objInfoPtr->heapSize;
execInfoPtr->heapExcess =
vm_PageSize - ((unsigned)heapEnd&(vm_PageSize-1));
if (execInfoPtr->heapExcess == vm_PageSize) {
execInfoPtr->heapExcess = 0;
execInfoPtr->bssFirstPage =
(unsigned)objInfoPtr->bssLoadAddr / vm_PageSize;
if ((unsigned)(heapEnd-1) / vm_PageSize >= execInfoPtr->bssFirstPage) {
* End of heap, start of bss in same page, so move bss.
execInfoPtr->bssFirstPage = (unsigned)(heapEnd-1)/vm_PageSize + 1;
if (objInfoPtr->bssSize != 0) {
execInfoPtr->bssLastPage = (int) (execInfoPtr->bssFirstPage +
(objInfoPtr->bssSize - 1) / vm_PageSize);
} else {
execInfoPtr->bssLastPage = 0;
* Set up the code image.
if (objInfoPtr->codeSize == 0) {
* Things work better if we have a code segment.
realCode = 0;
objInfoPtr->codeSize = vm_PageSize;
numPages = (objInfoPtr->codeSize - 1) / vm_PageSize + 1;
fileOffset = objInfoPtr->codeFileOffset;
pageOffset = (unsigned)objInfoPtr->codeLoadAddr / vm_PageSize;
segPtr = Vm_SegmentNew(VM_CODE, codeFilePtr, fileOffset,
numPages, pageOffset, procPtr);
if (segPtr == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
Vm_InitCode(codeFilePtr, (Vm_Segment *) NIL, (Vm_ExecInfo *) NIL);
(void) Fs_Close(codeFilePtr);
Vm_ValidatePages(segPtr, pageOffset, pageOffset + numPages - 1,
if (realCode) {
Vm_InitCode(codeFilePtr, segPtr, execInfoPtr);
} else {
Vm_InitCode(codeFilePtr, (Vm_Segment *) NIL, (Vm_ExecInfo *) NIL);
*codeSegPtrPtr = segPtr;
notFound = TRUE;
} else {
notFound = FALSE;
if (usedFile || notFound) {
Fsio_StreamCopy(codeFilePtr, &heapFilePtr);
} else {
heapFilePtr = codeFilePtr;
* Set up the heap image.
segPtr = Vm_SegmentNew(VM_HEAP, heapFilePtr, execInfoPtr->heapFileOffset,
execInfoPtr->heapPageOffset, procPtr);
if (segPtr == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
Vm_SegmentDelete(*codeSegPtrPtr, procPtr);
(void) Fs_Close(heapFilePtr);
Vm_ValidatePages(segPtr, execInfoPtr->heapPageOffset,
execInfoPtr->bssFirstPage - 1, FALSE, TRUE);
if (execInfoPtr->bssLastPage > 0) {
Vm_ValidatePages(segPtr, execInfoPtr->bssFirstPage,
execInfoPtr->bssLastPage, TRUE, TRUE);
heapSegPtr = segPtr;
* Set up a new stack.
segPtr = Vm_SegmentNew(VM_STACK, (Fs_Stream *) NIL, 0,
1, mach_LastUserStackPage, procPtr);
if (segPtr == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
Vm_SegmentDelete(*codeSegPtrPtr, procPtr);
Vm_SegmentDelete(heapSegPtr, procPtr);
Vm_ValidatePages(segPtr, mach_LastUserStackPage,
mach_LastUserStackPage, TRUE, TRUE);
procPtr->genFlags |= PROC_NO_VM;
#ifdef sun4
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE], procPtr);
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP], procPtr);
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_STACK], procPtr);
procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE] = *codeSegPtrPtr;
procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP] = heapSegPtr;
procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_STACK] = segPtr;
procPtr->genFlags &= ~PROC_NO_VM;
* If heap does not match page boundary, prefetch the partial page
* if necessary, and zero the rest.
if (execInfoPtr->heapExcess != 0) {
if (realCode && (execInfoPtr->flags & UNIX_CODE) == 0) {
printf("SetupVM: Warning: Program %s has unaligned heap %s\n",
"and should be relinked");
return ZeroHeapEnd(execInfoPtr);
* ZeroHeapEnd --
* Zero out the end of the heap (from the given address to the
* next page boundary). This routine exists for compatibility
* with oddly-linked binaries.
* Results:
* TRUE if we were successful, FALSE if not (e.g., couldn't bring
* in the last heap page).
* Side effects:
* None.
static Boolean
Vm_ExecInfo *execInfoPtr; /* info about the exec file */
ReturnStatus status;
Address heapEnd; /* kernel address of end of heap */
int bytesToZero; /* number of bytes to zero out */
int bytesAvail; /* number of bytes accessible */
int userHeapEnd;
status = Vm_PageIn((Address) ((execInfoPtr->bssFirstPage-1)*vm_PageSize),
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf("SetupVM: heap prefetch failure\n");
return FALSE;
bytesToZero = execInfoPtr->heapExcess;
userHeapEnd = execInfoPtr->bssFirstPage*vm_PageSize-bytesToZero;
if (debugProcStubs) {
printf("ZeroHeapEnd: zeroing %x at %x\n", bytesToZero, userHeapEnd);
Vm_MakeAccessible(VM_READWRITE_ACCESS, bytesToZero, (Address)userHeapEnd,
&bytesAvail, (Address *)&heapEnd);
if (bytesAvail != bytesToZero) {
printf("SetupVM: can't map heap\n");
return FALSE;
bzero((char *)heapEnd, bytesToZero);
Vm_MakeUnaccessible(heapEnd, bytesToZero);
return TRUE;
* ProcExecGetEncapSize --
* Return the size of the encapsulated exec state.
* Results:
* SUCCESS is returned directly; the size of the encapsulated state
* is returned in infoPtr->size.
* Side effects:
* None.
ProcExecGetEncapSize(procPtr, hostID, infoPtr)
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* process being migrated */
int hostID; /* host to which it migrates */
Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr; /* area w/ information about
* encapsulated state */
ExecEncapState *encapPtr;
encapPtr = (ExecEncapState *) procPtr->remoteExecBuffer;
encapPtr->hdr.fileNameLength =
Byte_AlignAddr(strlen(encapPtr->hdr.fileName) + 1);
encapPtr->hdr.argLength =
Byte_AlignAddr(strlen(encapPtr->hdr.argString) + 1);
infoPtr->size = encapPtr->hdr.size + encapPtr->hdr.fileNameLength +
* ProcExecEncapState --
* Encapsulate the information needed to perform a remote exec,
* and return it in the buffer provided.
* Results:
* SUCCESS. The buffer is filled.
* Side effects:
* None.
ProcExecEncapState(procPtr, hostID, infoPtr, bufPtr)
register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* The process being migrated */
int hostID; /* host to which it migrates */
Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr; /* area w/ information about
* encapsulated state */
Address bufPtr; /* Pointer to allocated buffer */
ExecEncapState *encapPtr;
encapPtr = (ExecEncapState *) procPtr->remoteExecBuffer;
bcopy((Address) encapPtr, bufPtr, encapPtr->hdr.size);
bufPtr += encapPtr->hdr.size;
(void) strncpy(bufPtr, encapPtr->hdr.fileName, encapPtr->hdr.fileNameLength);
bufPtr += encapPtr->hdr.fileNameLength;
(void) strncpy(bufPtr, encapPtr->hdr.argString, encapPtr->hdr.argLength);
* ProcExecDeencapState --
* Get remote exec information from a Proc_ControlBlock from another host.
* The information is contained in the parameter ``buffer''.
* Results:
* Side effects:
* Memory is allocated for argString, which is kept around while the
* process is alive.
ProcExecDeencapState(procPtr, infoPtr, bufPtr)
register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* The process being migrated */
Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr; /* information about the buffer */
Address bufPtr; /* buffer containing data */
ExecEncapState *encapPtr;
char *argString;
procPtr->remoteExecBuffer = malloc(infoPtr->size);
bcopy(bufPtr, procPtr->remoteExecBuffer, infoPtr->size);
encapPtr = (ExecEncapState *) procPtr->remoteExecBuffer;
encapPtr->hdr.fileName = procPtr->remoteExecBuffer + encapPtr->hdr.size;
argString = encapPtr->hdr.fileName + encapPtr->hdr.fileNameLength;
encapPtr->hdr.argString = malloc(encapPtr->hdr.argLength);
(void) strncpy(encapPtr->hdr.argString, argString, encapPtr->hdr.argLength);
* ProcExecFinishMigration --
* Free up resources after a remote exec. This includes buffers
* used to store information about a remote exec
* between the time of the system call and the time the migration
* completes: namely, the buffer containing the user's stack,
* and the file name to exec (reached via that buffer). Also,
* free the virtual memory segments used by the process.
* Results:
* Side effects:
* Memory is freed. The segments are freed.
ProcExecFinishMigration(procPtr, hostID, infoPtr, bufPtr, failure)
register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* The process being migrated */
int hostID; /* Host to which it migrated */
Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr; /* Information about the buffer */
Address bufPtr; /* Buffer containing data */
Boolean failure; /* Whether a failure occurred */
ExecEncapState *encapPtr;
int i;
encapPtr = (ExecEncapState *) procPtr->remoteExecBuffer;
procPtr->remoteExecBuffer = (Address) NIL;
procPtr->genFlags |= PROC_NO_VM;
for (i = VM_CODE; i <= VM_STACK; i++) {
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[i], procPtr);
* ProcDoRemoteExec --
* Do an exec of a process that's come to this machine from another
* one. This is the PC at which the process resumes after migration,
* at which point it has no VM set up.
* Results:
* None. This routine doesn't return, since upon error the process
* exits.
* Side effects:
* An exec is performed.
register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* Process control block, locked
* on entry */
char *fileName = (char *) NIL;
ReturnStatus status;
ExecEncapState *encapPtr;
* Set up dummy segments so that DoExec can work properly.
procPtr->genFlags &= ~PROC_REMOTE_EXEC_PENDING;
procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE] =
Vm_SegmentNew(VM_CODE, (Fs_Stream *) NIL, 0,
1, 0, procPtr);
if (procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE] == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
goto failure;
procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP] =
Vm_SegmentNew(VM_HEAP, (Fs_Stream *) NIL, 0, 1, 1, procPtr);
if (procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP] == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE], procPtr);
goto failure;
procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_STACK] =
Vm_SegmentNew(VM_STACK, (Fs_Stream *) NIL,
0 , 1, mach_LastUserStackPage, procPtr);
if (procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_STACK] == (Vm_Segment *) NIL) {
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE], procPtr);
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP], procPtr);
goto failure;
encapPtr = (ExecEncapState *) procPtr->remoteExecBuffer;
fileName = encapPtr->hdr.fileName;
status = DoExec(fileName, (UserArgs *) NIL, &encapPtr, FALSE);
* If the exec failed, then exit.
if (proc_MigDebugLevel > 0) {
printf("Remote exec of %s failed: %s\n", fileName,
* The following table contains the functions to check if an executable
* is of a particular machine type.
int hostFmt = HOST_FMT;
char * (*machType[]) _ARGS_((int bufferSize, char *buffer, int *magic,
int *syms, char **other)) = {
* ProcIsObj -
* Check if the process is an a.out file. If doErr is set, an
* error message will be printed if the file is an a.out file.
* This routine is to be called if the file cannot be execed, to
* see if it's the wrong a.out type.
* This code is based on the Sprite a.out checking routines for
* the file program.
* Results:
* SUCCESS if the file is an a.out file.
* FAILURE if the file is not an a.out file.
* Side effects:
* An error may printed in the syslog if doErr is set.
ProcIsObj(streamPtr, doErr)
Fs_Stream *streamPtr; /* Stream pointer for obj file. */
int doErr; /* 1 if want error messages. */
ReturnStatus status;
char *buffer;
int hdrSize = BUFSIZ;
int i;
int magic;
char *name;
int syms;
char *other;
buffer = (char *)malloc(hdrSize);
status = Fs_Read(streamPtr, (Address)buffer, 0, &hdrSize);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
return FAILURE;
for (i=0; i < sizeof(machType)/sizeof(*machType); i++) {
name = machType[i](hdrSize, (const char *) buffer, &magic, &syms,
if (name != NULL) {
if (doErr) {
printf("Proc_Exec: Can't run %s ", name);
switch (magic) {
case 0407:
case 0410:
case 0413:
case 0414:
case 0415:
case 0443:
printf("(0%03o)", magic);
if (*other != '\0') {
printf(" %s", other);
printf(" executable file on %s.\n", mach_MachineType);
return SUCCESS;
return FAILURE;